
Warzone 2100 gameplay
Warzone 2100 gameplay


You can reduce the number of ping spikes in Warzone 2100 in several ways. Your internet connection is like a car – it needs to perform consistently and reliably.


Imagine driving a Porsche at 200 miles per hour on a busy highway, when your speedometer instantly drops down to 10 miles per hour! How do you think that would pan out for you as the driver of that sports car? Sure, the car's speed is essential, but it's also equally, and often MORE critical for the vehicle to maintain a *consistent* speed.

warzone 2100 gameplay

Sexy or not, stability is just as important, and in many cases more essential than your raw speed metrics. it's not quite as fun as testing the speed, is it? Stability is a less sexy thing to focus on than speed – imagine test-driving a Porsche to assess its "stability".

warzone 2100 gameplay

However, many gamers underestimate the importance of their connection stability. Plenty of gamers look at their ping time like a "scorecard" for their connection. Many people fixate on ping time when they're gaming, zoning in on speed and that magic ping number. The quicker you get to the server, the optimizeder your game will be! Instead of just connecting to the "normal" server connection, wtfast will create a custom connection which will eliminate the number of hops needed for you to reach the server.


You're not using a dedicated gaming software - using a gaming VPN like wtfast will improve your gaming performance by regulating and reducing your ping. Many of our ISP friends provide dedicated gaming packages with wtfast included in the bundle, which gives you a stronger connection and all the power of wtfast’s dedicated network boosting service, too! Maybe your internet service provider does not route traffic optimally for gaming which is possible on a lot of internet service providers. Your ISP - the problem might also be lying on your ISP. This could also result in a higher ping on your part, which will dramatically affect your gameplay. Devices such as other computers, consoles, smartphones, tablets, and others could consume your network's resources. Other devices are connected to your network - not only running applications but other connected devices to your network could eat up your bandwidth as well. Be wary of streaming applications and downloads happening on your computer as this will increase latency between your computer and the game servers. This could significantly affect your computer's performance, especially if the program is consuming a lot of bandwidth. Running programs on the background - all applications that are running on the background while you are playing could contribute strain to your network and computer in varying degrees. All of these could contribute to increasing your ping and slowing down your game. This will certainly result in increased latency, packet loss, jitter, and all sorts of other network-related performance issues. Wireless connections - connecting to the internet via a wireless connection will make you prone to interference. Keep in mind that game servers are usually named by their geographic location, so you must check on that one.

warzone 2100 gameplay

The further you are located from the game server, the higher ping you’ll have. Your distance to the game server - the distance between your location and the game server has a big impact on the amount of delay you're experiencing. You might be wondering why your ping is so high in Warzone 2100? Here are the possible reasons why. This can be incredibly frustrating especially for an online gamer like you who plays Warzone 2100. If you often experience pings that go higher than 100ms, chances are high that you suffer from ping spikes and jitter.

warzone 2100 gameplay

Having a ping higher than 100ms can already produce a severe amount of lag. Contrary to a high ping which causes a significant amount of lag. This means there are fewer chances for lags and delays to happen. For gamers, low ping times are our best friend, because a low ping equates to low latency. Ping is measured in milliseconds where 1000 milliseconds is equivalent to 1 second. You may already know that ping is the network latency between a gaming client and the game server. The terms "high ping" and "low ping" are commonly used in online gaming.

Warzone 2100 gameplay